Research on the Effects of AIGC Advertisement on Prosumer Behavior


  • Huimin Huang Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China Author
  • Lei Shen Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China Author



Artificial Intelligence Generation Content(AIGC), advertising, emotion, prosumer behavior, prosumer capability


After OpenAI announced the GPT-3.5 model in November 2022, it opened up a new breakthrough in AI technology for content generation. Existing studies are mostly conducted in terms of traditional AI applications in various industries, and few studies have specifically explored the impact of AIGC on the emotional aspects of prosumer behavior. This study explores the difference in consumer behavioural intention between AIGC and human-designed advertisements. A total of 3 experiments were conducted to obtain data from 550 subjects. The results of the study show that ①consumer behavioural intention is higher when consumers see product advertisements generated by AI. ② Emotional attitudes mediate the effect of AI-generated advertisements on intention to produce and consume. ③ Prosumer' capability to regulate emotions mediates the effect of AI-generated advertisements on consumer-producing behavioural intentions. The main innovation of this study lies in the research perspective, comparing AIGC materials with artificially designed materials, which expands the existing research on production and consumption decision-making, and the use of Midjourney to design the experimental materials, which is an extension of the application of academic research tools. Practically the results of the study can provide companies with suggestions for marketing and emotional communication.


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25 December 2024




How to Cite

Research on the Effects of AIGC Advertisement on Prosumer Behavior. (2024). Economics and Management Innovation, 1(1), 1-9.